Don't hesitate to record your own short video about our products and submit the video. There is no catch or any gimmicks behind the project. Simply take your camera shoot a one minute or two minute video describing our product and send the video to BikerLeather.

Don't know what to talk about? Here are simple questions that can help you in the review.

  • What do you think about this product?
  • Why do you like it?
  • What other features you like the most?
  • Any other comments are welcomed!

**Please don't use bad language
**Video must be at least 1 minute long
**Videos will be viewed before uploading to BikerLeather YouTube Channel
**Video Product Review must be in English. 

What will you receive for the video review?
The prize is a Free Motorcycle Chrome Cup. Videos that will be submitted in high quality and the information is clear will be eligible for a better prize from the store like chaps, vests, jackets etc.

**If your video is larger than 20MB, please email us at .